Exercise: Your First 3pi Program
Get started in experimenting with a mobile robot, using Pololu 3pi Robot platform: "a complete, high-performance mobile platform featuring two micro metal gearmotors, five reflectance sensors, an 8×2 character LCD, a buzzer, and three user pushbuttons, all connected to a C-programmable ATmega328 microcontroller." In this excercise, we will set-up the Arduino IDE for work with the 3pi, and load a few different pieces of existing example code.
Steps and observations
- Get the necessary hardware for working with the 3pi robot:
- 3pi Robot
- Pololu AVR Programmer
- Get the necessary software for working with the 3pi robot:
- Arduino IDE
- Pololu AVR C/C++ Library
- Load a line-following program onto the 3pi, create a "maze", test algorithm by experimenting with several different maze designs
- Tweak the code for the line-following program to create behaviors that are different than the original; consider subjective and affective descriptions like "nervous", "shy", "hasty", or "drunk" as guides for how to modify the existing program to give the impression of a more personified robot.
Other Files
- Pololu 3pi Rbot User's Guide
- Pololu AVR Programming Guide
- Videos of 3pi robot projects