
Use PureData to play a sequence with frequences (pitches), durations (rhythm) and amplitudes (loudness).

The melody is represented as a sequence of frequencies, stored in a table as floats between 0-127.
Each note in the meldoy has a specific duration, stored in another table as floats between 0-1000 (ms).

Follow the steps; get the patch working; and begin making changes, variations, additions.

Consider the follwoing important concepts, implications and questionsof this example:

  1. We have added duration to each note in addition to its frequency. What othe rparameters can make the meldoy more expressive?
  2. Imagine each note in the melody as a symbol for some physical event in the real world; this melodic sequencer can easily by employed to sequence actuation of motors, lights, servos, etc.

Steps and observations

  1. Open the 1.c.iii.2_music-rhythm.pd patch in Pd-extended.
  2. Follow the institutions in the patch.


For a challenge, try creating a series of more exciting melodies and a way to switch back and forth among them with the press of a key on the keyboard (check out the key and keyup objects)